Monday, November 16, 2009

T's Boo Boo UPDATE

This is how Thomas' foot looks one week after getting hurt. The swelling is better but he still can't wear any shoes other than his Crocs and house shoes!

Here are a few pictures of Thomas' foot 2 days after his injury. It's still too swollen to wear shoes, so he's got a snazzy pair of camouflage house shoes he's wearing!
The left foot is the one he hurt ~ there is even some bruising on the bottom of his foot!A couple of side views...................For some reason the boys found it more interesting to watch daddy than to watch what was on TV.Love that smile, Will Davis!Will felt a little left out while I was taking pictures of Thomas' foot. He kept saying, "Take a picture for me, Mommy!" Who can resist these sweet boys??


~becky said...

Bless his heart! That looks so painful!

Give that sweet little foot a very gentle kiss for me. (Yes, I kiss owies. Even foot owies. It's in the mommy code!)

Amy Stewardson said...

Wow T, that looks PAINFUL!!! We are glad you are doing better & are glad nothing was fractured or broken. Can't wait to see you Thanksgiving :).