Saturday, November 14, 2009

Thomas' Boo Boo!

We had quite an eventful morning here at the Stewardson house. It all started with Thomas trying to climb up and get a snack out off of the shelf in the garage. In the process, he pulled the Escalade battery down and it landed on his foot.
Our next door neighbor is a surgical nurse so I called her and asked her to come over and take a look. She recommended taking him in to have it X-rayed, just in case. Sooooo, we loaded up and I took Will to Do Do's house and Thomas and I went to the ER. Luckily there are no broken bones, just lots of swelling and bruising.
Once the initial pain wore off he hasn't complained too much (and it helps that I'm keeping him loaded up with Motrin!) He's still got that cheesy smile!


Anonymous said...

Oh wow! Poor buddy! Mom might need some Motrin, too!

Jenna said...

That looks so painful!! Glad it isn't broken and hope it feels better today. Poor Thomas.

Anonymous said...


Hang in there!!
Lara :)