Sunday, November 01, 2009

Trunk or Treat 2009

We loaded the boys up in the car and headed to a few houses to trick-or-treat. Thomas didn't believe me when I told him people would be handing all sorts of yummy candy.
Will the Lion was ready to go, too!
The Brownwood Lion football player and the Lion mascot (aka Thomas and Will).
I went dressed as the dancing CiCi's pizza guy. He stands on the corner and dances for literally hours non-stop. I didn't have as many good dance moves as he did, but I still managed to win a $20 Sonic gift card for my costume!
Will and his friend Trine ready to hit the trunks for some treats.
The family ~
Dad and the boys. The look on Thomas' face tells how thrilled he was to stop playing to pose for a picture!
Will was impressed with the hay.
Tristyn the Vampire attacked my little lion ~ but he didn't mind!
Yeah! Thomas loved the ring toss/Coke bottle game.
"What's this, Mommy?" A question I hear at least 20 times a day!

Say Cheese, Thomas!
Say Cheese, Will!

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