Thursday, January 17, 2008

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

Well, it looks like we've got a roller on our hands! Will actually rolled over a few times about a week ago but I didn't get a good video until yesterday. He can roll from his back to his tummy but then he's stuck, unless Thomas is there to help him, of course! In fact, when I put Will to bed last night I swaddled him up tight and put him on his back, as usual. When he woke up at 2 for a bottle and again this morning at 6 he was flopping around on his tummy, still swaddled up tight!

And please, no one call the Fashion Police on Thomas ~ I realize he's wearing a blue long john shirt, gray sweat pants, white socks and red Crocs. And the only part of this lovely outfit I can blame on him is the Crocs, the rest I picked out! But what you thankfully can't see is what Thomas' Mommy is wearing because it's eerily similar to his outfit ~ only with pink house shoes! Let's just say it was casual day here at the Stewardson house!

1 comment:

Marsha said...

Wow, that is an accomplishment! Way to go Will! And Thomas may grow up to be a camera man......or not.