Sunday, December 02, 2007

Thomas is in LOVE

Our Sunday school class had a Christmas party last night and we all brought a White Elephant gift to exchange. Well, the gift I chose just happened to be a GIANT remote control! So of course I gave it to my sweet boy and he was sooooo excited. Sam wanted to program it to work but I said no way ~ we would never know what channel we'd end up on! It does have batteries in it so it lights up when he pushes the buttons. For now he thinks it really works and that's how I'd like to keep it!


Marsha said...

Thomas is getting so big. Honestly, he grows from picture to picture. AND Will is the same. They are both darling.

jenbellriley said...

Would hate to see you share the remote!!!! Yet we know that's in the future as your boys learned all about TIVO while in the womb!

Very funny pictures. Hope to you sometime during the holidays!
