Friday, December 28, 2007

Thomas' "Blankie??"

If you have spent any amount of time with Thomas then you've probably noticed his fascination (I hesitate to use the word "obsession") with all things Baby Einstein. He likes the books, empty CD cases and especially the empty DVD cases. He looks at them and "reads" the pamphlets that come in them. In fact, that's what I usually pack in his church bag because it will keep him occupied for several minutes at a time (and that's saying a lot with this boy!) Anyway, lately if he's carrying one around and it's nap time or bedtime he takes them to bed with him. I snapped this shot of him sleeping with the "Lullaby Time" case. Very appropriate, isn't it?? P.S. If any of you moms out there have extra empty cases lying around send them our way! We're down to only about 3 ~ somehow they keep getting lost! THANKS!!

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