Sunday, October 12, 2008

Party Time

We spent our Saturday night at Baby Cate's grandparent's house. They had an Elvis themed party. Here are a few pictures: Thomas danced to several Elvis songs. Okay, maybe it was more like "Thomas ran around in circles waving streamers" to several Elvis songs!
After all that "dancing" Thomas needed to refuel. Good ole' saltine crackers did the trick.
Dad and Will enjoyed the concert, too. Look closely and you can see a cutout of Elvis to the right of the picture. Or is that the ghost of Elvis?
Will with his Elvis party hat. He seriously loved the concert! You can see the "real" Elvis on the stage in this picture.
Sam and Cate ~ look how sweet she's being! Codie (Cate's dad) and Thomas and Will. I think he's glad to have a sweet baby girl after trying to wrestle the Stewardson boys for a picture! The evening was winding down and Thomas and Will were beginning to get tired. Going to an Elvis party takes alot out of you!
And finally, a new family picture! At least one of us is smiling ~ none of the boys were in the mood to have their picture taken but I insisted. That'll teach me, won't it??

1 comment:

Marsha said...

I know you get tired of me saying that I love the boys in orange... I guess that is why I still do it. bwahahahaha