Sunday, August 24, 2008

Things Thomas Said Today

In no particular order, here are a FEW things Thomas said today:

"Will's awake!"
"Good hi Will!" (instead of good morning)
"Shhhhhh Will's asleep."
"I do it!"
"I go big potty."
"Did you teeee teeee?"
"It's singin' a song!" (he has a musical potty)
"Bye bye, teeee teeee!"
"I flush it."
"Washy washy"
"Get paper Daddy." (newspaper)
"I do it!"
"Go eat."
"Want drink."
"Want onge juice." (orange)
"Want apple juice." (any Capri-sun is apple juice)
"Want cashew."
"Want chicken."
"Want apples."
"Scoot up."
"Want more."
"Mmmmmm, yummy in my tummy!"
"That's yucky!"
"All done."
"Bless you, Dad."
"TV on."
"I do it!"
"Wanna watch Baby Gein Gein." (Baby Einstein)
"Wanna watch Choo Choo." (Thomas the Train)
"Wanna watch Neigh." (Spirit)
"Wanna watch Elmo."
"No Will, that's mine!"
"What happened?'
"I push Will."
"Sorry, Will."
"Yes Sir."
"Thank you"
"No thank you."
"I do it!"
"Take shower."
"Take bath."
"Bye bye wader." (water)
"Clothes on."
"Want brush teeth."
"Want Baby Gein Gein toothpaste"
"I do it!"
"Duck quack quack."
"Sheep baa baa."
"Cat meow meow."
"Eye. Ear. Nose. Mouth. Hair. Back. Yeg (leg)."'
"Where Honey Pa Pa go?"
"Want G-Daddy house."
"Wanna yook at the pictures." (look)
"Mark, set, go!"
"I do it!"
"Close doors."
"Open doors."
"Wanna go side." (outside)
"Be right back."
"Wanna do ding dong." (ring the doorbell)
"Mommy said no!" (followed by crying)
"Daddy said no!" (followed by LOUD crying)
"Mom/Dad/Will you in trouble!"
"T, where are you?"
"I right here!"
"Clock tick tock."
"I do it!"
"Wanna dance with the people."
"Wanna go see grass."
"Good boy!"
"Wanna host you." (hold)
"Wanna take the trash."
"Tickle tickle tickle tickle."
"Wanna kiss Mommy/Daddy/Will."
"Wanna turn off/on yight." (light)
"Wanna say pray." (prayer)
"Night night!"
Have I mentioned "I do it!"? (he says that alot!)

Some of the Names Thomas Knows:

Mommy, Daddy, Will, Sam, Honey, Pa Pa, G-Daddy, GG (Great-grandmother), Do Do (Hilary), Josh, Ben, Amy, Yuke (Luke), Joe, Gray, K (Kaitlin), Trey, Hudson, Abby (Allie), Cobe, Bi Jum, (Vi Jones, his bible school teacher), Baby Cake (Cate), Angie, Martha (Do do's dog)

Some of the Songs Thomas sings:

The ABC song, Twinkle Twinkle, Jesus Yoves Me, Jesus Yoves the Yittle Chinnnen (Children), Happy to You (Happy Birthday to You), My God is so Big, Lord's Army

I did my best to type the words how Thomas pronounces them. I can usually understand most of what he says. Instead of saying the letter "L" he uses a "Y" as in "I Yove You!". I'd like to video him during one of his talking spells, but when he sees the camera he clams up. Maybe one of these days!

And finally...................

"Will, want a prune??"
(By the way, Will did NOT want a prune so Thomas shoved the whole thing in his mouth!)Finger lickin' good!


Krista said...

You are so good to record all of this! I did all this with my boys but haven't been the greatest with Briley! You've motivated me to get to it!! Thanks! =)

Marsha said...

There is no way I could have ever remembered everything he said in one day. This will be such a treat for him to read through one day. Who knows? They may even have talking computers that read things to you soon. What wonderful memories he will have. Kudos to Mom.

Lara said...

Prunes will keep him moving..if you know what I mean. HEHE Loved the pics you darling!! Can't wait to see you in October.