Friday, August 01, 2008

New Hand-Me-Down Shirt

Our good friends over at Fitzgerald Five are wonderful to save their hand-me-downs for our boys. They delivered new batch of clothes and I haven't had a chance to go through everything. However, this lovely "Cars" wife-beater t-shirt was spotted by Thomas so he HAD to wear it. It's a size 4 but I had to cram it on him. I doubt he'll be able to wear it much longer. Which means look for Will to be sportin' it soon! This boy has got some major rhythm issues. He tries to dance but it's not pretty. Funny, but not pretty!
Thomas thought he'd share is fish crackers with Will.Which I guess was pretty funny.

Thomas had a major case of the giggles. Must be the giddiness from getting to wear character clothes ~ even if they are just PJ's!


The Binkley Family said...

clothing sizes make no sense!!!

Thomas' new room looks cute.

Krista said...

What a small world . . . again! We've known Missy and her family for many years . . . way back from our Midland days! Crazy! So, do you attend the same church? I enjoyed looking at all of your pics; I cannot believe how grown up your sweet niece is now! WOW! I think she looks so much like your side of the family! Okay, I find myself checking your blog periodically so I guess I'm going to have to add you to my links; is that okay? =)

Noe Family said...

No character clothes for yall either? I refuse to do the character shoes too! Hayden does have three pair of underwear with Diego on them, but who sees that? ha,ha! And what size does Thomas wear? Hayden will be in less than a month and only wears a 3T.

Laura said...

Nope, no character shoes for my boys either. However I'm due some payback from a friend I used to teach with. Sam gave her daughter Disney Princess shoes for her birthday a few years ago.... Thomas is wearing 2T and some 3T clothes. Just depends on the brand.

fitzgeraldfive said...

Can you believe Ben tried to wear it - talk about wife beater.