Monday, August 18, 2008

Artist or Vandal??

Once again I forgot to close the bathroom door and you know who took the opportunity to create a masterpiece. His medium? A lovely shade of lipstick whose makers promise it to be "Color Stay Overtime". It's true. His canvas? The lid of the "big potty". The artist/vandal proudly posing next to his artwork. If you look closely and squint your eyes it kinda looks like he made a T and S, his initials.
Oh yeah, did I mention he applied the "Color Stay Overtime" on his own lips, too? Hopefully he painted his lips before he painted the toilet lid!

Since we were in the neighborhood, I had Thomas sit on the big potty. In the past 5 days he has been wearing a pull up and has only had 3 wet accidents!! We're still working on going #2 on the potty, though.
When he finishes he says, "Did you teeeee teeeee?" I guess that's what he's heard me ask so now he says it, too. This picture was taken right as he said the second "teeeee!"


fitzgeraldfive said...

That is the cutest thing I have ever seen -I would have to say defiantly an artist with that cute face he could never be a criminal.

The Binkley Family said...

Well, Mr. Clean Magic Erasers have done wonders in my house...good luck with getting that off. Then again, maybe it is a sweet memory/artwork to keep.

Laura said...

I actually tried Clorox wipes first and didn't have any luck. My mom suggested rubbing alcohol and it worked like a charm! I do need to keep those Magic Erasers handy, though.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the potty training...Max is doing pretty good, too!

Anonymous said...

That's pretty funny, at least it was lipstick, Cole got the mascara and painted himself and the wall outlets While they were visiting Mike & Misty, why the outlets, who knows, think he thought he had a marker. forgot to ask how they got it out but Mr. Clean erasers are great.
Linda D

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how it works on lipstick but since crayon is a similar waxy type substance, fabric softener sheets work very well! Luckily for Cole, mama didnt bring the waterproof mascara!
Amy D.