Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thomas and his Monkey

Sam bought Thomas a monkey/harness/backpack/leash so we can TRY to keep up with him when we're in crowds. The monkey's tail is about 3 feet long thus the leash part. Anyway, Thomas found it and insisted on riding around the house on his tricycle wearing his monkey. Now if he'd only be as willing to wear it when we want him to!


SG said...

We have the puppy dog. It sometimes works. Ella Kate loves her puppy "pack pack" until the leash thing is attached. But it has come in handy a time or two.

What size are your boys wearing... tardy baby gift givers want to know!

Laura said...

Thomas is wearing 2T and I'm buying Will 6 month stuff. I can't believe how fast they're both growing!

Noe Family said...

Hayden has one and he looks like a dadgum cat on a leash!! We tried it at Target the first time and it was humiliating! Good luck with Thomas.