Monday, October 01, 2007

Another Cousin?!?!?

We went to Sam's cousin John's birthday this weekend and Thomas, Luke and Will got to play with his little boy Jack. Thomas gave Jack and then Luke "pat pats" and AAAAWWWWW. I really wanted to get a picture of all the boys together but it didn't turn out so great! Will was straving (or so he thought) so he was screaming at the top of his lungs. Jack had just stolen Luke's pacifier so Luke was having a meltdown. For once Thomas was and innocent bystander!
Luke got his pacifier back so he was happy ~ for the moment!Look out, Luke! Jack is headed for your pacifer again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Looks like y'all have a ton of little boys! How much fun are they (and you) in for?!