Monday, March 10, 2008

Fat Lip

Sam and I took Will and Thomas to the doctor for their 6 month and 2 year well checks. Everything looked great on both boys...... Right up until Thomas stood up and fell flat on his sweet face ~ his mouth to be specific. It bled and bled and he only cried for about 2 minutes. Since the doctor was standing right there he checked Thomas out and said he'd probably be really sore for a few days. Here are couple of pictures of him right after he fell (I keep the camera in the diaper bag, for those of you wondering why I had a camera at the doctor's office!)

Since he was okay I went ahead and took him to pre-school. Well, the director called me about 12:30 and said when Thomas tried to eat his lunch he just cried and cried. I figured the salt in the crackers was hurting his lip. So I picked him up early and he came home and had yogurt for lunch. Then last night we were all loaded up in the car to go to Great-Grandmother's house and I turned around and looked at Thomas in his car seat. He gave me a big, sweet smile and that's when I saw that the gums around his top tooth were swollen and bleeding!! Apparently when he fell he knocked his front tooth loose as well as busting his lip! Pa Pa (who is a dentist) looked it and said it would be okay, but that didn't stop mom from having a little panic attack/meltdown! This morning he seemed to be feeling better but he still won't eat anything but yogurt and breakfast bars. Here are some pictures from this afternoon:

By the way, here are the stats on the boys:
Will (6 months) 16 lbs 10 oz and 26 1/2 inches tall
Thomas (2 years) 27 lbs and 2 feet 11 inches tall


Jenna said...

Poor thing!! I hope he is better soon. Cade did a similar thing to his tooth once. It is grayer than his other teeth, but it is going to fall out one day anyway.

Noe Family said...

Poor guy! When Hayden was one he ran to the front door to greet Matt when he came home and hung his toe, flinging himself into the coffee table. His bottom teeth went through his bottom lip!! And so our accidents with Hayden began. Hopefully Carson won't be as accident prone!

Anonymous said...

Thomas, your little mouth looks really sore. I wish I was there to rock you. I'm glad you have lots of yogurt to eat. Tyler, a friend of you mother's little boy, broke his front tooth out with a swing at recess and then hit again the next year with a skateboard. You be very careful!

Ben, Amy, Luke and Kirklyn said...

Thomas, I hope you are feeling better! Glad your Paw Paw was there to check out your teeth.
Happy B-day to Will, I tried to post on that entry but I kept getting an error message, maybe I am Blogger challenged...
See y'all this weekend!

Anonymous said...

We have had a few of those (fat lips) at our house too! No fun! Sweet boy, I am so sorry you got hurt...may you feel better r-e-a-l fast!!!
