Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Pink Eyes and Ear Infections

Thomas woke up Monday morning with a runny nose and his eyes were red and watery. We thought it was probably allergies since he's had the same symptoms before. I called the doctor anyway but they were booked and couldn't see him until Tuesday unless he was running a fever. So Tuesday afternoon the boys and I went to the doctor and he took one look at Thomas and said he had pink eye in both eyes! He looked in his ears and sure enough ~ double ear infections. I asked him to check Will since we were already there and the poor baby has his 3 set of double ear infections (but no pink eye, thank goodness!) So back to the pharmacy we go! I am soooooo ready for these boys to be healthy! Thomas has a history of bouncing back pretty well ~ just look at "SPOTS" and "UNWANTED TRAVEL COMPANIONS" and see!

This little guy sure looks happy to have double ear infections, doesn't he?


The Binkley Family said...

I could not believe that when I heard!!!

I hope everyone is all better soon.

Jenna said...

Poor boys!! Hope that they are better soon.