Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Fun with Friends

Thomas and I went down to Houston this past weekend to visit two of my college roommates and their families. The kids had a great time playing and the moms had a great time visiting! Calloway Bills (3 1/2), Sarah Schulze (2) and Thomas (17 mts). As you can see, Calloway was interested in watching the movie and Sarah was very proud of her ponies. Thomas was just trying to figure out how to get off of the couch so he could run around!
Sara Margaret Bills (7 1/2), Anna (almost 7) Daniel (8) and Rachel (5) Schulze. Now these kids know how to pose!!
Now it's Thomas' turn to be watching a movie while Calloway flashes his best "cheesy" smile!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fun time y'all must have had!!! And Sweet Thomas just put up with it all!