Friday, August 23, 2013

Will's Parasite

Our little Will Davis had a rough end to the summer.  I'll do my best to make a long story short ~ something I'm not very good at! My parents kept the boys for me so I could go to a workshop for school on Tuesday, August 6th.  My mom called about 9:00 saying Will threw up and was feeling pretty bad.  He ended up staying the rest of the day but never felt much better.  Later that day he started having tummy troubles from the other end (I know you know what I mean!).  By Wednesday night he was doubled over in pain with stomach cramps so I took him to the doctor Thursday morning.  After being thoroughly checked out and having blood drawn, it was thought he just had a virus and it had to run its course.
I took this while I was stopped at a red light on the way home from the doctor.
Once we got home he went straight to our bathroom and threw up.  Poor thing!  He slept on our bed for about 2 hours ~ VERY unusual for him to take a nap at all, let alone that long of a nap!
Will got his ACU Cat Pack in the mail and I wanted to get his picture with it.  I held onto it for a few days hoping for him to get to feeling better so he didn't have to fake his excitement.  After being sick for 6 days I finally gave it to him ~ and he actually had enough energy to be truly excited.  You can tell by his color that he's still not feeling great.
This is day 8 of having "tummy troubles".  He was staying with my parents again because I had another workshop.  The doctor decided whatever it was wasn't just a virus and ordered a stool sample.  Poor thing didn't have any trouble producing one.
This is day 9.  The preliminary results of the stool sample showed signs of E Coli 157 OR Schigella OR Salmonella ~ none of which are something you'd want your child to have!  And we weren't able to give him any medication because we weren't sure what we were up against.  Antibiotics would be benificial for one illness, but make one of the other ones worse.  So once again we had to wait it out!
That afternoon Dad and I took Will back to the doctor.  He had lost 3 lbs and hadn't eaten much of anything since getting sick.  However, he was always wanting to drink something, which was the only thing that kept him hydrated and out of the hospital.  I must say, this boy was a trooper throughout the whole time he was sick.  

On day 12 the results of the stool samples came back negative for the first 3 things they suspected.  However it did come back positive for a parasite called Giardia.  The good news was we finally had a diagnosis ~ the bad news was it took 48 hours for the medication to get to Brownwood after being ordered (no one in town carried it).  But after only 3 doses of the medication Will felt soooooo much better!  
In fact he posed and said, "Mom, I'm feeling better.  Seriously.  You can even take my picture!"  Love this boy and blessed to have him healthy again!

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