Saturday, February 05, 2011

Thomas's 5th Birthday Party

These are the actual cupcakes I bought for Thomas's birthday party. He loves red velvet cake and the only ones we could find already had Valentine decorations on top. Sooooo, I decided to remove the rings and add my own decorations on top!
Plastic bugs are much more appropriate for a 5 year old boy's cupcakes, aren't they?
Here they are ~ ready to be served.

All of the kids waited patiently for the candle to be lit and the birthday song to be sung so they could dig in!
Thomas and Will look absolutely THRILLED, don't they?
Taking a deep breath to blow out the candle...........
There's a smile!
Cate, Holden, Thomas and Will

Thomas got lots of fun presents from his friends and family. He's a lucky little boy!
And what party is complete without a picture of Thomas and his best friend Allie? She gave him a Sonic gift card and he was soooooo excited!
Thomas did NOT want me to take his picture riding his bicycle. Too bad ~ I did anyway!

I love these boys ~ even their forced, fake smiles!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so relieved that you bought the cupcakes! Mommy blogs about making wonderful homemade cakes/cupcakes really wear me out. They looked yummy--even with bugs on them.
