Friday, December 03, 2010

The Train Museum

The boys and I spent most of Saturday morning and early afternoon at the Depot and the Train Museum. We all had a great time!Watching Thomas the Train go around and around.
The boys headed over to the exhibit that was interactive. There were lots of buttons to push that would move the props, make smoke come out of the trains and buildings, blow whistles, and more. It was all very impressive!Thomas was in "button pushing paradise!"
To the right you can see a dome (or bubble as the boys called it). They could crawl under the table and stand up in the dome to get a closer look at the train tracks and all of the accessories. Will liked seeing his breath on the dome almost as much as he liked seeing everything else!
One of the activities was for the kids to push a red button and it would swing the cow over the train tracks. When the train got too close it would stop. When they pushed the green button the cow would move out of the way and the train could go past.
Just a few pictures of some of the other scenes.
One last look at everything before heading outside.
Thomas pretty much has the "smile for the camera" thing down. Will? Not so much! He had a bad case of the sillies!March, march, march!
Thomas singing a few Christmas carols.
Sweet boys!
Will wasn't quite sure what to think of Santa up close and personal.Ok, that's a little better.
What great smiles out of both of my precious boys!


The Robinsons said...

what happened? look at how big thomas is! he looks like such a big boy now.

Laura said...

Amy ~ I know what you mean. It's almost like he grew up overnight!