Friday, June 27, 2008

Out for a Drive

Lookout ladies, the Stewardson boys are on the loose! Every evening the boys take the Esclade out for a spin in the backyard. Thomas has really gotten good at driving. At least now he turns the steering wheel instead of running into the house, backing up and running into the back fence, putting it in drive and running into the house again, etc.
Here's a little video of their ride. Will keeps leaning down trying to pick up a toy that fell in the floorboard. But don't worry, he is buckled in tight!

We gave Thomas a "Slow Melt" Popsicle and it was amazing how long it lasted. Thomas stopped to share with Will.
But Will was more interested in the radio than he was in the Popsicle!
I think Thomas is a little tipsy from all the sugar in the Popsicle!
And once again they're OFF!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Thomas! I am so impressed with your driving skills! You can take me for a ride any day! You two are just too cute!

Marsha said...

Loved the video and pictures. I can't believe that Will grows every time I see pictures of him. They are both darling.......hmmm..
except for that Tech shirt...

Anonymous said...

thanks aunt laura for keeping the blog uptated the looks like thomas is going to be a good driver
