Thursday, May 30, 2013

Last Day of School 2012-2013

My goofy and handsome boys on the last day of Pre-K and 1st grade in the 2012-2013 school year!

They both had a great year and grew and learned so much.  We couldn't be more proud of them!
Thomas and Will both received an award for Perfect Attendance All Year.  This was Thomas' second year in a row to earn this award, which means he has never missed a day of school!  We are blessed with healthy, happy boys!
GG came to the awards assembly and Thomas got to check out of school early and spend the afternoon with her.  They are the best of friends!
Granddaddy and Grandmother were also there to cheer for the boys.  It's so fun to have them close enough for them to be able to attend the boy's assemblies!

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