Thursday, May 30, 2013

Last Day of School 2012-2013

My goofy and handsome boys on the last day of Pre-K and 1st grade in the 2012-2013 school year!

They both had a great year and grew and learned so much.  We couldn't be more proud of them!
Thomas and Will both received an award for Perfect Attendance All Year.  This was Thomas' second year in a row to earn this award, which means he has never missed a day of school!  We are blessed with healthy, happy boys!
GG came to the awards assembly and Thomas got to check out of school early and spend the afternoon with her.  They are the best of friends!
Granddaddy and Grandmother were also there to cheer for the boys.  It's so fun to have them close enough for them to be able to attend the boy's assemblies!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Will's Front Tooth ~ Part 1

One of Will's front teeth had been loose for a couple of days. This morning he climbed in bed with us and my elbow accidentally knocked his tooth out! So if he tells you his mom knocked it out, he's not kidding!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Great Outdoors

We spent the afternoon fishing with Codie and Cate ~ it was the boy's first experience and they had a blast! 
Codie giving the kids a rundown of safety tips.
Dad and the boys deciding where the fish would be biting most.
Will chose his own worm,  although I don't think he was too thrilled with it!

Will was the first of the kiddos to catch a fish.  He was proud and Cate was excited for her friend!

With a little coaching from dad ~
Thomas caught a fish, too!

And Cate had no trouble keeping up with the boys, that's for sure!

Codie let each of the kids shoot his gun ~ another first for Thomas and Will
The Three Amigos on top of the Ranger

Monday, May 13, 2013

Game Ball

Both boys had games tonight and I was going back and forth from field to field.  I was at Will's game when Sam called me on my cell phone to say Thomas was up to bat.  When I got there (after the 30 second walk) I saw this scene: 

I could tell Thomas was hurt and was getting checked out by dad and Coach Ryan.  I asked one of the moms in the stands what happened and she said the ball hit Thomas' hand.  After some encouragement he decided to keep his turn at bat and try again, even though his thumb was hurt.
Look closely and you can see the ball headed toward the bat.............
And there it is ~ Thomas got a hit, injured thumb and all!!  Another runner was out, but we were ahead and won the game.  We are so proud of Thomas ~ not just for getting a hit, but for sticking with it and finishing his turn at bat!

After the game Coach Ryan always has a short talk with the boys and the parents.  He awarded Thomas a game ball, which is a pretty big deal for a 7 year old boy (an to tell the truth for his proud parents, too!)
You can see by the expression on Thomas' face he survived the injury quite well.  However, he did have to make sure I knew it "bleeded and everything!"

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

Thanks to this guy I had my first Mother's Day in 2006 ~ love Thomas so much!
 Exactly 19 months later this boy came along to complete our family ~ love Will Davis, too!!

 My favorite boys in the whole wide Earth (as Thomas says!)
 And what photo shoot would be complete without Carl?!?
 After church we went by to see GG and give her a new geranium to put on her porch.  These boys are blessed to have such a wonderful great grandmother, and we all love her dearly!

Next we stopped by to see Grandmother and the boys gave her a white geranium.  So glad she lives just down the street from us!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

State Park Open House

We spent the afternoon at the State Park learning about all kinds of outdoor activities and fire safety.  

The boys listened carefully to the firefighter as he explained how all of the safety equipment and the fire hoses, etc worked.

Each of the boys got a turn at spraying the fire hose.  I think they were impressed at how fast the water came out.

The boys both tried to catch a fish, but after 30 minutes and no luck we moved on to other things!

The Monarch Butterfly station 

The Shark's Last Game

Nothing like a wedgie to start off the last game of the season!
Running and being silly at the same time.

I must say Will is the best ball thrower on the whole team!
The agony of defeat 
The thrill of adding another trophy to his collection!

Friday, May 10, 2013

1st Baseball Game 2013

The boys both had their first baseball games of the season, and they both had a great time!

 Thomas is on the Cardinals.  It's a machine pitch team and right now he plays in the outfield.  He is learning a lot about the game and is improving every day!
 Warming up for his turn at bat.
 Taking a swing at the ball ~ it's just a little too high!

 Will is on the Rangers coach pitch/t-ball team.  He is also in the outfield and as you can see he's pretty good at kicking the dirt!  I think the sun might have been in his eyes, too!
 Just misses the ball!

Looking forward to a great season with the Rangers and the Cardinals!