Friday, September 21, 2012

Eagle Mt Lake (Part 1) The Arrival

We were able to spend an entire weekend in a beautiful home on Eagle Mountain Lake with all of our Stewardson grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.  The kiddos played and played and played.  Here are a few pictures to prove it:
The girls started out the night reading bedtime stories on the iPad with Melinda.  Nice and clam and snuggly...... 

Meanwhile upstairs the big boys were exploring all of the goodies in the playroom closet.  It cracks me up how Will and Gus are side by side ~ those two are good buddies!

Will filled his bucket with sand and was determined to bring it to show me.  He accomplished his goal ~ I was impressed because that bucket was HEAVY!
Thomas haulin' water.

Gus loved watching an airplane land right on the water not far from where we were playing.  Then he had fun digging in the sand!
Gray and Luke digging for buried treasure.  Not sure if they found anything or not.
Thomas filling his bucket.
Kirklyn playing in the water

Love how Geyer's nose is crinkled up!
A view from the lake of the house where we stayed ~ so pretty!

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