Sunday, March 20, 2011

Thomas the Tornado

Thomas is playing soccer for the first time this spring. His team's name is the Tornadoes!
Thomas and his teammates posed for their group and individual pictures.

I actually captured this group hug BEFORE the game began. It kinda looks like a victory hug but in fact it was a "lets act as silly as we can" hug!Sitting on the bench waiting for the game to begin. I'm not sure what the 2 boys on the far right are doing, but it cracks me up!
I know this picture if blurry, but I couldn't resist posting it ~ Thomas with his arms crossed = CLASSIC!

I was able to take a few really good actions shots of the game. After the end of the first quarter Thomas came and told me he didn't want to play because it was too hard and that he'd rather watch from the bench. I told him that he could rest but when the coach said it was time to play again he needed to go back on the field. When it was his turn again Thomas still didn't want to play so I suggested a father/son talk.

Dad gave Thomas a little pep talk and he was ready to play again!
I admit I don't know much about soccer, but this looks like a foul to me! The game was an overall success. The Tornadoes won 3 - 1.
Cate came to watch the game and Will was more than happy to have someone to play with. During the game they ran around and around and around!


Hilary said...

A legacy continues!
Uncle Ben played on the Tornados for a number of years. Jimmy Walker was the coach in those days.

Anonymous said...

Love Love Love!!!!!!!!!!!! Makes me a little sad remembering when my kids started soccer. It only gets better!!!!
