Saturday, July 18, 2009

Swimming with Sampson

Mom was out of town the other night so the boys had the run of the backyard. Dad filled up the pool and Thomas and Will had a great time swimming. The video was taken with Sam's phone, so it's not the best quality.

Dad decided to invite the neighbor's dog Sampson (formerly our dog) over for a swim and all 3 of them loved playing in the water.

Sampson getting his feet wet!It looks like the boys weren't quite sure about sharing their pool at first.But it didn't take long for them to carry on as if there weren't a 100+ pound black lab in the middle of the pool!
And Sampson was right at home!
Will gave Sampson a quick hug before he had to go home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a GREAT DAD!!! Looks like they survived, too! tee hee!