Saturday, June 02, 2007

Redneck Swimming Pool

Poor Thomas wanted to go swimming but we don't have a pool. So, his dad emptied out a storage bucket and filled it with freezing cold water and there you have it ~ A Redneck Swimming Pool! Thomas was hoping we would have an in-ground pool dug in the backyard, complete with a Cabana boy (per mom's request, of course), but it looks like he's getting a baby brother instead! However, if anyone out there would like to chip in we could still get the pool, too!!!


Anonymous said...

LOVE all Thomas' KOOL moves!

Marsha said...

Looks to me like he loved it. Way to go Dad for being so clever!

The Binkley Family said...

I have heard of something even more redneck. A friend of ours had a neighbor who would line his pick-up bed and then fill it with water for his kids. Talk about classy!

Ben, Amy, Luke and Kirklyn said...


Anonymous said...

Grandaddy thinks you could make a million with the cute shots 'oney gets of you.
you are very special
love, grandmother