Monday, November 27, 2006

Thomas is on the Move

Thomas was feeling much better this afternoon. I just followed him around with the camera. Believe me, it wasn't easy keeping up with him!
Thomas loves pushing around his toy car. It makes a "pop pop" noise when he pushes it.
One of Thomas' new favorite toys is the lid to a plastic pitcher. He can play with that thing for 10 minutes at a time. He likes to push it around like the car.
A big "no no" in our house (at least for Thomas) is the computer. And of course it is one of his favorite things to try and get his hands on. He has recently started shaking his head when we tell him no. As you can see, that doesn't mean he'll stop trying for very long, but at least he stops for a second!
Thomas loves to pull up to his walker and push it around. I guess he decided to give it a piece of his mind, too! The boy sure loves to hear himself "talk"!!


Anonymous said...

that is hysterical. i love the "no-no" head shaking he does.

Noe Family said...

Hayden just sat in my lap and watched the videos. He was glued to them! I think he wants to play with Thomas. Andrea

Anonymous said...

Loved the videos!!! More, more, more! Yes, my favorite was the 'no-no' one! Yep, that's what they do, shake their head no-no then go back and do it again. What a normal kid you have there!!!