Thursday, September 21, 2006

More Teeth for Thomas

As you can see, Thomas has 2 more teeth; this time on top. However, the ones that came in are the canine teeth! I told Sam I was worried that Thomas would look funny because he didn't get his front teeth first. To which Sam said, "What if those ARE his front teeth!" If that's the case then it's a good thing Thomas is the grandson of a dentist!
** Disclaimer:
Thomas' face is red and chapped because he's had pretty bad allergies the past few days (on top of teething) and his nose has been running constantly, therefore I've been chasing him with a Kleenex! Poor Kid!!!


Noe Family said...

How cute is that!! I love it when kids don't do the "norm." He'll be so precious. Maybe you should change his Halloween costume.....and he should be a Vampire:)

Anonymous said...

We see that sweet, sweet smile and those big blue eyes! He is precious as always but I can certainly feel for him with his allergies!!!!!!!