Friday, March 30, 2012

Kindergarten Rodeo 2012 ~ Part 1

All of the Kindergartners at Thomas's school participated in a rodeo on Friday. It was a huge production and the kids had a blast! The spent the weeks before the rodeo learning about all things western, cowboy, etc. This is a picture of Thomas's "WANTED" poster:

Cracks me up that he's "WANTED" for playing on the computer! Lined up with his horse and ready to go outside for the rodeo parade.

The rodeo began with the National Anthem ~

The "Gun Slinging" station consisted of shooting water guns at a bulls eye. Thomas "missed" once or twice and got mom wet, but I didn't mind!

Coloring his bull picture ~
The kids got to brand a block of wood ~ This is Thomas's finished product.
Time for a break ~ Cactus Juice (aka yellow Gatorade) and Trail Mix.

Next was the Ropin' station. Dad took the morning off of work to help with the rodeo. He was in charge of that station and did a great job helping over 100 Kindergartners try to rope a hay bale steer!
Love these two cowboys!

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