Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Trip to the Zoo

We took a trip to the Abilene Zoo and the kids really enjoyed seeing the animals. Here are the boys getting buckled in the double stroller. Will's new word is "SELF" as in "I'll do it mySELF"!The boys were impressed with the ducks, especially "Lewis". Looks like he was with the wife and kids out for a swim!The reptile exhibit was another favorite for the boys, but not for mom!I told Will to give the monkey "five" and he did! I'm glad there was glass to separate them or Will might have joined the monkeys climbing all over the place!I'm not sure what Gray is doing in this picture, but the monkey behind him is doing the exact same thing! Must be where the saying "Monkey see, monkey do" comes from.
One last picture before we left the zoo: Thomas, Will, Gray and Trine (a friend of Will's)!


Anonymous said...

It was a fun day! The reason you got very few face shots is because they were trying to take it all in and couldn't take their eyes away from the animals! Yeah, that is a good story we should stick with...lol Thanks for including us!

~B said...

We have never been over there to the zoo. We might just take a day trip over there sometime this summer. Something to break up the monotony. It looks like the perfect place for my little monkeys.