Sunday, March 08, 2009

Lovin' on Daddy

Daddy was feeling well enough to get out and go to church this morning! The boys have fun sitting on his lap and riding from the house to the car! At nap time I told Will to give Daddy a hug and tell him night night. So Will climbed up and snuggled with Daddy on the couch.I think they both might have fallen asleep if..............Thomas hadn't shown up! He piled on top of Daddy and the snuggles turned into tickles! So nap time was delayed a few minutes ~ and no one complained!


Anonymous said...

Sweet boys!

Lara...I don't know how you find the time to post all these pictures with all you have to do! You are amazing!

Marsha said...

I don't know where you find the time either but I am certainly glad that you are there to capture those precious moments. They always make my day. Thanks a bunch.

Liz said...

Me either, where do you find the time? You must be super mom! Love the pictures. Take care. We are praying for all of you.

~B said...

I'll bet Sam is an AWESOME daddy!! So sweet. What a precious family you all are!