Monday, February 23, 2009

Not a Typical Day for Thomas

Thomas' day started off a little unusual by wearing his sunglasses in the shower. I got him to pose for this picture before getting him dressed for church.

The next unusual thing was how sweet he was being to Will. He insisted on grabbing his little brother's hand and taking him to bible class (luckily I had a camera in the diaper bag!)
Once again Thomas had his sunglasses on while getting ready for bed. After reading a story, saying prayers, getting one last drink, etc. Thomas announced that he needed to go poop (something he's never told me until it's too late.) So we ran to the bathroom while Daddy put Will to bed and grabbed the camera.
Thomas wasn't too thrilled with having his picture taken but I couldn't resist!
Here is a picture of the final product.  There's nothing there, you say?  Well, out of respect for all of you readers out there I used photoshop to delete the evidence.  But believe me, it was there!  Let's just hope he's got the hang of it now!


Anonymous said...

Bombs away Thomas! You are really getting to be a big boy!!!
Sheridan (but not Shannon...she would be too embarrassed for me to write this! lol)

Anonymous said...

Good thing boys think poop is cool. You are a mean momma!!!! I can't believe that was your post. But I laughed anyway. Go Thomas!

Anonymous said...

Thomas, I thnk the picture of you taking Will to Bible class is the sweetest thing I have ever seen.
I love both of you little boys.

Marsha said...

Thank heavens for photo shop!

Anonymous said...

Laura, you crack me up!
