Friday, August 29, 2008
Games with GG
I think Thomas was playing ring around the rosie, but I'm not sure. Anyway, I'm glad he's the only one that fell down!
And GG was happy to give him a helping hand up!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Good Driving Etiquette: by Will
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Things Thomas Said Today
"Good hi Will!" (instead of good morning)
"Shhhhhh Will's asleep."
"I do it!"
"I go big potty."
"Did you teeee teeee?"
"Bye bye, teeee teeee!"
"I flush it."
"Washy washy"
"Get paper Daddy." (newspaper)
"I do it!"
"Go eat."
"Want drink."
"Scoot up."
"Want more."
"All done."
"Bless you, Dad."
"TV on."
"Wanna watch Baby Gein Gein." (Baby Einstein)
"Wanna watch Choo Choo." (Thomas the Train)
"Wanna watch Neigh." (Spirit)
"Wanna watch Elmo."
"No Will, that's mine!"
"Sorry, Will."
"Yes Sir."
"Thank you"
"No thank you."
"Take shower."
"Clothes on."
"Duck quack quack."
"Cat meow meow."
Some of the Names Thomas Knows:
Mommy, Daddy, Will, Sam, Honey, Pa Pa, G-Daddy, GG (Great-grandmother), Do Do (Hilary), Josh, Ben, Amy, Yuke (Luke), Joe, Gray, K (Kaitlin), Trey, Hudson, Abby (Allie), Cobe, Bi Jum, (Vi Jones, his bible school teacher), Baby Cake (Cate), Angie, Martha (Do do's dog)
Some of the Songs Thomas sings:
The ABC song, Twinkle Twinkle, Jesus Yoves Me, Jesus Yoves the Yittle Chinnnen (Children), Happy to You (Happy Birthday to You), My God is so Big, Lord's Army
I did my best to type the words how Thomas pronounces them. I can usually understand most of what he says. Instead of saying the letter "L" he uses a "Y" as in "I Yove You!". I'd like to video him during one of his talking spells, but when he sees the camera he clams up. Maybe one of these days!
And finally...................
"Will, want a prune??"(By the way, Will did NOT want a prune so Thomas shoved the whole thing in his mouth!)Finger lickin' good!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Tow Truck??
He did need some roadside assistance from Do do at one point!
And of course Thomas had to get out and check on things himself.
Will was happy to stay in the wagon and munch on a leaf.
Honey and Pa Pa with Will, Thomas and Luke. Of course Thomas is trying to escape, as usual!Honey and Pa Pa with Will and Luke. Who needs Thomas!!
Choo Choo Barn
Will was able to escape but things aren't looking too good for Luke.Looks like Luke was able to escape the "train wreck" after all! Thomas decided to hang out in the wreckage for a while!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Artist or Vandal??
Oh yeah, did I mention he applied the "Color Stay Overtime" on his own lips, too? Hopefully he painted his lips before he painted the toilet lid!
Since we were in the neighborhood, I had Thomas sit on the big potty. In the past 5 days he has been wearing a pull up and has only had 3 wet accidents!! We're still working on going #2 on the potty, though.
When he finishes he says, "Did you teeeee teeeee?" I guess that's what he's heard me ask so now he says it, too. This picture was taken right as he said the second "teeeee!"
Sunday, August 17, 2008
The Many Faces of Will
"I know I'm supposed to say cheese, but I 'm going to growl instead.""Just kiddin'! I'll give you a cheesy smile."
"I'll even get a little closer to that camera so you can get a good shot of my big blue eyes and mouth full of teeth!"
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Speed Bump??
Will was in his exersaucer and I was reading the newspaper when Thomas hit the "speed bump". I knew there was a problem because Thomas started yelling "need help"! Will sure does look concerned about his brother, doesn't he?
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Ice Cream
Another Relay for Life
Guess what happens when you make a silly face instead of smiling sweetly........... Your mean Aunt Laura posts it on her blog!!!
A group of Native Americans came and preformed several dances for the crowd (Thomas is sitting in Kaitlin's lap).
This was a dance dedicated to the American flag.
Kaitlin had the opportunity to dance with the group ~ I think she had fun!
Thomas, on the other hand was happy to watch from the sidelines.
And Will enjoyed playing with the "caution" tape!