Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Pre-School Party Part II

Hello Red Raider football player!Thomas was proud of the Smarties he won doing the pumpkin walk.He also had fun at the pumpkin bowling station ~ even though he never actually rolled the pumpkin!Trey seems to be impressed with Thomas' jersey. Maybe he can borrow it sometime!For snack the kids had "Dirt". Oreo cookies crushed into chocolate pudding with gummy worms mixed in. Very messy but they loved it! (I didn't even try to get the white shirt clean ~ it went right to the trash!) Thomas was more interested in the camera's tripod than he was in posing for pictures. Imagine that!

Here are a couple of classmates ~ Cobe the Monkey and Allie the Cheerleader. Look ~ it's the Great Pumpkin!
And guess who snoozed through most of the party.........


Lara said...

Beware of the Great Pumpkin snatchers!!!! If it goes missing, check the GATA fountain. Of course, I know nothing of this past crime. Nor does Tammy.....

Marcelia said...

What precious goblins you have! I'm sad that I missed you AGAIN on your last visit to Lubbock. :(
Thanks for sharing your pics.
