Saturday, September 16, 2017

Will's Flag Football

Will played on the Brownwood Lions football team for flag football.  He did a great job!  He played center most of the time, but also made a couple of receptions.  His coach nicknamed him "Wild Card Will"!

Friday, September 08, 2017

Friday Football

Another fun pep rally!

We made an attempt at recreating a picture of Cate, Will, Evan and Thomas.  It is pretty close, except for Cate stealing a kiss from Will.  No matter what we bribed her with, she wouldn't do it.  

Pre-game supper at the Country Club.  The kids love running around and playing together! 

Thursday, September 07, 2017

Texas Strong

Melinda bought the boys these Texas Strong t-shirts to help raise money for hurricane relief.  I just wanted ONE good picture of the boys together.  Maybe next time.  Sigh. 

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Birthday Playdate

Will had some friends and cousins come over after school for a little birthday playdate.  They were very nice to cooperate and let me take a picture.  Chester even joined in! 

Monday, September 04, 2017

Will's 10th Birthday

I managed to talk Will into letting me take his picture with a 120 Months sign.  It's a spoof on some of the photo shoots that some people do of their kids.  I'm glad he's a good sport! 

Meet the Lions 2017

It's or last year to have a Little Lion in the house.  This year Will's Big Lion is Wyatt Jacobs.  We are looking forward to a fun football season!

 I got some good pictures of Wyatt and Will before Goldie decided she needed to be part of the photo session!  And I'm glad she did!

Will and Cate are a couple of the Lion's biggest fans!